HALLANDALE BEACH, FLORIDA - For millions of workers across America, it’s not how busy they are at work that counts, but how busy they look. Now workers all over the country are turning to America’s first and only Looking Busy coach, Jay Schorr, to learn how to waste an employee’s worst enemy – TIME.
“The average American worker spends only 5-1/2 hours of an eight-hour day actually doing work. That leaves 2-1/2 hours a day – or 12-1/2 hours a week! – to look busy,” says Schorr. “What you do with those 12-1/2 hours can mean the difference between your bottom line and the unemployment line.”
Schorr is in high demand at corporations across the country, both by employees who want to learn how to Look Busy without raising their bosses’ suspicions and by management who want to know how to identify Looking Busy behavior. He also is writing a new book to codify his Looking Busy techniques, Looking Busy – 50 Ways to Look Busy at Work Even When You’re Not, illustrated by Pulitzer Prize-winning author editorial cartoonist, Jim Morin.
“I’ve been looking busy at work for more than 15 years, and I’m but one of the millions of non-productive workers who have forsaken the toil and drudgery of the workday in favor of a Looking Busy lifestyle,” said Schorr. “That’s why I’m mentoring Looking Busy students and writing, 50 Ways to Look Busy at Work Even When You’re Not.”
From looking busy using an office telephone to shuffling papers on a desk, and from pensive doodling to more advanced maneuvers such as copy machine diversions Schorr covers all the bases. Schorr teaches workers to look busy using common office supplies, office equipment, old crumpled paper and even a Styrofoam cup. Looking Busy techniques feature time-killing favorites with applications for every work environment including: clerical, administrative, blue-collar, managerial, corporate, individual and group settings.
“Looking Busy will be an invaluable guide and reference tool for American workers… and their bosses. But remember: There’s only one way to look busy when you’re not – you’ve got to work at it,” said Schorr.
Read the NY Post article about Looking Busy
Watch the CBS news story about Looking Busy
Watch the KCAL news story about Looking Busy